A question commonly received from people planning to travel to Thailand is “How long does it take to get insurance for COVID-19 in Thailand?”. Most people asking this question are weighing up the pros and cons of traveling to Thailand at this time or are in the early phases of applying to the Thai Embassy in their home country for a Certificate of Entry. While the insurance policy is usually the least expensive part of the process compared to the cost of the flight and the 14-day hotel quarantine, without understanding the process it can still be a somewhat time-consuming and frustrating experience. Hopefully, this explanation will provide some clarity over why it takes time to issue insurance for COVID-19 and some things you can do to help speed things along.
For most people, the average time is around 10 – 14 days from the time the client emails an application to us, responds to additional questions from the insurance company (underwriting department), signs an offer letter, pays for the policy, and is finally issued a certificate of insurance. Persons aged 65 years and over may face additional delays due to the need for a Physician’s Examination Report. Visting your doctor and obtaining this report can easily extend the process beyond 10 days or more. Although payment from overseas can take up to 5 days to arrive, in most cases the insurance company will issue the policy based on a copy of the bank transfer as evidence of payment before it physically arrives in the bank account. The lengthiest part of this process is usually the period where the insurance company’s underwriting department is assessing the application. Applications with a signed copy of the applicant’s passport and more complete responses on the application form will almost certainly receive a faster turnaround.
The application process can often be made faster depending on how accurately you complete the insurance application, whether you remember to attach a signed copy of the picture page of your passport (required by the insurance company to match your identity with the policy) and how quickly you respond to requests for further information from the insurance company.
Once the policy is paid for, most insurance companies will email you the Certificate of Insurance (with the policy number) which shows that the “Health insurance policy includes treatment and medical expenses in relation to COVID-19 with a minimum coverage of 100,000 USD”. This insurance statement is sufficient to present to the Thai Embassy in your country of departure in order to obtain the Certificate of Entry and the go-ahead to book your seat on the next available flight. The original insurance policy and card are generally sent via post a week to 10 days later but are generally not required by the embassy for the Certificate of Entry.
Hopefully, this overview has provided a better understanding of the requirements at each stage while you are applying for your COVID insurance policy. Also, the following diagram from the Civil Aviation of Thailand (CAAT) presents a broader snapshot of the documents required in the stages from Pre-departure through to Arrival and is aimed at helping make the process clearer and less daunting for foreigners contemplating an application to enter Thailand.

Thai Expat Health makes it EASY for foreigners to obtain the certificate of insurance required to meet the Thai government’s entry requirement (insurance covering all medical expenses including COVID-19 and worth at least 100,000 USD). We have assisted many clients to receive their certificate of insurance in the FASTEST possible time with a MINIMUM of fuss. Our service is provided FREE of charge and you benefit from our personalized help and experience. Note that there is a large number of applications in the system at the moment, so please submit your application early to avoid delays.
Please contact Thai Expat Club / Health if you have any questions or require any further information
Telephone or WhatsApp +6689-897-9435
Website: https://thaiexpathealth.com/
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